tian yi -gruppe
hunan tianyi high-tech materials co., ltd., gegründet 2001 und befindet sich in der nr. 10 xinping street, louxing district, loudi city, provinz hunan, china, spezialisiert auf die produktion von leistungsstarken materialien. the company has a registered capital of 14.58 million yuan, owns a 30.6-acre factory, and obtained iso9001:2000 certification in 2002. with over 20 years of professional experience, the company has innovatively developed products such as cemented carbide roll rings, high-performance bar-cutting tools, and superalloy heating plates serving multiple industries including steel mills and precision manufacturing, widely used in equipment such as rolling mühlen, cnc -drehstäbe, 3d -glasbiegermaschinen und präzisionsformpressen von freiformglas.